- pack and play
- sheets for pack and play
- towels
- box fan
- bottle warmer
- bottles
- bottle cleaner and brush
- inflatable tub
- baby soap
- baby shampoo
- baby lotion
- diapers
- wipes
- diaper bag
- a butt load of baby food (must go by the store AGAIN)
- spoon
- formula
- toys (a gazillion)
- baby clothes
- baby sleep sack
- baby pjs
- blanket
- a million pacifiers
- stroller
- weather shield for stroller
- baby socks
- portable baby seat
- DVD player
- DVD cartoons
- baby tylenol
- filtered water bottles
- hylands
- baby tooth paste
- baby tooth brush
- duck tape (you never know)
- wine for mommy
- husband (not sure if he will fit in the car)
Sounds like my mom when she would pack for me. LOL