Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Me: who wants to go on a stroll?
Matt: Edgar!

Me: who wants a banana?
Matt: Edgar!

And sometimes he just passes by, running with his walker and saying, "Edgaredgaredgaredgar!"

Who the hell is Edgar?

Friday, February 8, 2013

That's what he said

Me: Do they stop whining so much when they can actually talk? Like, if they can say what's bothering them, do they make less noise?
Husband: Nope. It gets louder and more frequent.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our new game

We are playing a new game called, "What is Matthew chewing on this time?"

The rules of the game:

1) find quiet or gagging child (a quiet child is never a good sign, and a gagging one also)
2) hold wiggly child down as he pulls your hair and kicks your groin
3) stick finger in child's mouth and get slobber all over yourself
4) look for foreign object by rubbinb all corners of slobbery mouth
5) get bitten by new teeth you didn't know baby had
6) you may have to retrieve something half way down his or her throat (that usually triggers vomiting, so have clean clothes for you and baby ready, and also a mop)

The mystery of what you can find keeps this game interesting and all participants involved.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Elmo project (never again)

The party pooper

Our baby get together to celebrate baby's coming of age only involved tiny ones, even though mommie's original list included over fifty people. Daddy decided this wasn't such a good idea, and mommy realized all the cleaning  she'd have to do after, so only small people of one year old and younger were invited.

All babies (and all boys) were having a swell baby time of screaming and banging cabinets, until mommy found the birthday boy playing with dirt. His socks and pants had dirt and he touched it with his hands. Mommy wondered, puzzled, "where did he find dirt?" and then she smelled him.