Friday, May 11, 2012

Subtle and classy ways to getting a cool gift for your first mom's day

1. Start campaigning a month ahead of time with subtle comments, such as, "Mother's day s coming. I wonder what I'm gonna get?," "This is my first mother's day and therefore the most special..." (remain silent after saying this, staring at husband with intensity in your eyes).

2. Shop on pinterest for something cool and decide to pin a watch. Make comments like, "Check out this watch! It has a hole in the middle!," "I could use a new watch," "My watch is so old I can barely see the time," "If I can't see the time, I won't know when to feed the BABY and the BABY will go hungry."

3. Send husband an email with a clickable link and a subtle title: "Here is what I want, bitch"

4. Get husband's credit card and just buy it

5. Receive it in the mail and put it on before husband has a chance to give to you on the actual mom's day

Btw. This is not really how it happened, but husband thought this exaggerated version was more amusing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid I started my campaign too late :-(
    Cool watch!
