Sunday, March 18, 2012


What am I doing wrooooooooooong?????? Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!

Baby will sleep through the night, but during the day he will only chill out if,

A) I hold him with both hands

B) I hold him with one hand and hold a pacifier on the other IN his mouth

C) I hold him with both hands while he lies sideways on my belly

D) I hold him with both hands while he is upright and facing forward

E) I hold him with both hands

Did I say I have to hold him with both hands? Because God forbid I have to let go of a hand so I can do something silly like feed and nourish myself.

Oh, wait, there is an instance I can not hold him: when I am pushing the stroller, and only if I do it really fast. I am not one of those idilic women with their perfect little, well behaved babies, and perfect little lives strolling by the sunset. No, I am the woman with the unmade hair and tired eyes, walking faster than this standard stroller recommends, because a lower speed could result in fussiness.

I swear I am about to give him some Zoloft.

Pause over. Someone hit the play button on him again.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly know what your talking about...I realized that I needed to slow down in life...and thats hard. So the dishes might not get done, laundry sits unwashed, ect. This why o was so amazed ur house was clean. I just learned to take in the snuggles and live off bags of dried foods. Food if it gets staley is still esible. Until the heavenly day she fell in love with her swing again. I hope that Matt falls in loves with his, it will save ur life!
