Sunday, March 25, 2012

The weight of weight loss

To all my former clients from my personal training and weight loss consultant days, I have a confession to make about something I thought I'd never have to go through:

Losing weight is TOUGH!

Now I understand why women usually say it is hard to lose weight after baby. It's not that there is a mysterious force keeping us fat and unmotivated. New moms simply don't have time to lose weight.

Think about it. Weight loss is an emotional process. It takes planning, self awareness, discipline, routine, consistency and will. Now take a look at all those adjectives I just listed and try to fit them into the life of someone with a baby.

I invision the arrogant pre-pregnancy me, telling my clients who had babies that the secret to weight loss (insert smug face here) is to move more and eat less. I want to tell that former self of mine to go fly a kite. I would have said, "no shit, Sherlock! Try doing that when your body needs to produce forty ounces of milk a day (which will leave you feeling like you could eat a cow) and a baby that cannot be put down for a nap."

Some days I have every resolve to eat fruits and exercise. Well, most fruits need cutting and for that you need two hands. A bowl of Cheerios is so much easier to prepare. And exercise... I usually have my work out clothes on in the morning, planning to get some exercise in when baby is asleep. Then eight pm rolls around and I am still in my gym clothes, waiting for that moment to arrive, and now that baby is finally asleep, maybe I will get some real food in and some rest!

So as I step on my scale and I am still 10+ pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (wich was 5+ pounds over due to a cruise - you do the math) and don't want to leave the house because none of my clothes fit, I want to apologize to my weight loss clients for being a smart (skinny) ass in the past.

Weight loss is no joke. It's painful.


  1. Oops this is the post I found funny. Ha ha!!!

  2. aggg...I still remember the disappointment I felt when I stepped in the scale after went back from the hospital: only baby's weight was gone, and he was tiny :-(
    still have to loose 9kg (about 20lb?) ... oh well, I decided to not get stressed out about the weight just right now, let's see if this breastfeeding thing does its part

